Being Outdoors

So one of my favorite parts about summer is swimming outdoors. Recently I've been exploring outdoor recreation centers; their free or at a low cost to get in. Yes, during the summer they are a hot spot so you should plan to come early. Otherwise, you may not be able to find parking. Last weekend I went to Rickets Glen State Park. The park had a three-mile hike with waterfalls. Another excellent piece of the park was the beach. Right after your walk, you can cool off in the lake.  The park was full of families, and it's a great way to experience the outdoors, so look for a sunny day, pack snacks and your beach towels and get ready for a great day.
Preparing for your first hike isn't too tricky, so i prepared a short list of things to have.  Make sure you pack a bottle of water or carry some way to rehydrate. I have a camelback hydration pack that is great for transporting water and a light snack. I could also reach for a fanny pack or little bag to hold on to keys wallet and phone. After I climbed a few extremely step hikes, I had a buy some proper hiking shoes. My recommendation is going to an REI or eastern mountain sports; they can put you in the right direction and guide you based on your needs. My hiking shoes are Oboz. They are water resistant, so it is ok to play in the water. One of my first hikes was climbing up and back down the Appalachian trail, as an amateur, I thought it was a good idea to hike with regular sneakers.

That was a big mistake because when I climbed down the mountain, my feet were killing me. When purchasing a pair of hiking boots ask your self is their enough padding and is this comfortable for long-term wear.  


The last thing I would pack is a few baggies of snacks. I would hate for someone to be hungry on a hike. There are plenty of places to hike and walk; the most important thing is that you enjoy yourself. Glen Rickets park is just one of many state parks so look up different places to experience the outdoors on the internet that is close to you.