What is the latest with coach Kelcey!

So last year was the first full year I established SwimPhilly; this included writing a bunch of blogs, finding a place to call my home pool, and and even cranking out 20 lessons in one week. My business grew so much during that summer that I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for me. I look forward to telling you guys my new goals for the new year. First I took the plunge and signed up for Iron man AC. This competition includes a one and a half mile ocean swim in Atlantic CIty beach along with a 50 mile bike ride and half marathon to finish. Whoo, that was a mouthful! It’s gonna be a challenge but I look forward to it! I also signed up for swim Miami. I signed up for a swim along Miami beach. I’m very excited because I will be participating in a stroke clinic along with exploring Miami for the first time. Last but not least I signed up to swim 3 miles in Lewes, Delaware! These are all challenging races that I really look forward to! Before those races comes training, so i have to visit the gym and pool a lot to prepare for them.

    In terms of my business, I hope to interact with more of you all and continue to grow my business. I recently filled for my LLC. That means business is now official (like it wasn’t before or something). I have the pool and certifications and now I want to help you guys reach your swim goals. I have a goal to also try to create a swim clinic. The swim clinic will be open to all levels and I have hopes of just making people more confident in the water. I’m also working on producing a weekly newsletter. I’m hoping that this makes it easier to keep up with me along with making it easier to access all the information about swimming I’m producing.   Keep up with me on social media as I want to try to create more resources for people to help them learn how to be more confident in the pool. If you guys have any swim questions, please drop me an email or leave me a question on my social media.