As I'm sure you all noticed by now, summer is almost over. We've still gotta a week and some change left but that right soon enough the seasons will begin to change. I do want to encourage you to keep swimming past the summer months. I give lessons beyond the summer months although things do begin to slow down. If you want to still get in the pool on a regular basis join an indoor facility. I myself have also signed up for a mile swim in Miami, Florida. It's happening in the springtime. I have never been to Miami before but I know it will be a great time. but the real reason I'm writing this blog is to encourage you to enjoy those last few warm days. If you haven't already there is still time to go to the beach. Kayak on those waters you've never been on and hey, even take a hike you've always wanted to go on. I recently took a trip to Shenandoah national park. it was just a day trip but the views alone made it worth it. They even had a waterfall you could hike up and stop in for a swim. If worse comes to worse, and you can't make it there is always next year. Regardless of whether you miss the summer or not each season can bring something fun and different. Just dont be to busy to stop and watch it.